UNAMUniversum, Museo de las Ciencias UNAM Universum, Museo de las Ciencias
13 de marzo del 2025
Inicio > exposiciones > BODY WORLDS > Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions


Gunther von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS are first-of-their-kind exhibitions through which visitors learn about anatomy, physiology and health by viewing real human bodies. This is made possible by using an extraordinary process called Plastination, a groundbreaking method for specimen preservation invented by Dr. Gunther von Hagens in 1977. Gunther von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS Vital presents real human specimens, including whole body plastinates, organs, organ configurations and translucent body slices. The exhibition allows visitors to see and better understand the long-term repercussions of disease, the effects of tobacco consumption and the mechanics of prosthetics, like those used in the hips and knees.To date more than 34 million people around the world have visited the BODY WORLDS exhibitions.

What is the purpose of the exhibition?

BODY WORLDS Vital aims to educate the public about the inner workings of the human body and show the effects of healthy and unhealthy lifestyle choices. It is also presented in the hope that it will stimulate curiosity about the science of anatomy.

Who should see BODY WORLDS?

Anyone interested in learning what makes us human. Adults of all ages and children 8 and older will find the exhibit fascinating. Given the content and graphic nature of this exhibit, it is up to the parents, guardians or school staff to decide whether their children are age appropriate to attend this exhibit.

Where else has BODY WORLDS been exhibited?

There are seven BODY WORLDS exhibitions that have been viewed by more than 34 million people throughout the world. BODY WORLDS exhibitions have been displayed in Asia, Europe and North America.

Why is it important for the public to see these exhibitions?

The organizers of BODY WORLDS believe that when people understand more about how the body works and how it can break down, they are more likely to choose healthy and sustainable lifestyles. We also hope visitors will be inspired to learn more about the life sciences. Knowledge about what the human body looks like and how it functions is basic life science information that should be available to everyone. During the run of the exhibition we will be constantly connecting with education and medical professionals to ensure they have the opportunity to experience the exhibition.

Couldn’t I learn just as much from books or models of human anatomy?

Real human bodies show details of disease and anatomy that cannot be shown with models or in illustrations. They also allow us to understand how each body has its own unique features, even on the inside. Visitors are drawn to real specimens in a way that they are not to plastic models.

What is Plastination?

Invented by scientist and anatomist Dr. Gunther von Hagens in 1977, Plastination is the groundbreaking method of halting decomposition to preserve anatomical specimens for scientific and medical education. Plastination is the process of extracting all bodily fluids and soluble fat from specimens, replacing them through vacuum-forced impregnation with reactive resins and elastomers, and then curing them with light, heat or certain gases, which give the specimens rigidity and permanence. For more information about Dr. von Hagens, the inventor of the Plastination technique and creator of the BODY WORLDS exhibitions, go to www.bodyworlds.com.

Where did the specimens on display come from?

The organs and whole-body plastinates were derived from generous body donors, individuals who designated that upon their death their bodies could be used for educational purposes in the BODY WORLDS exhibitions. Some specific specimens in the exhibition that show unusual conditions came from old anatomical collections and morphological institutes. As agreed upon by the body donors, their identities and causes of death are not provided. The exhibition focuses on the nature of our bodies, not on providing personal information.

Why are the plastinates posed the way they are?

The poses of the plastinates have been carefully thought out and serve educational aims. Each plastinate is posed to illustrate different anatomical features. For instance, the athletic poses illustrate the use of muscle systems while playing sports. The poses allow the visitor to relate the plastinate to his or her own body.

Will I be able to touch any of the plastinates?

While you will be able to get very close to the plastinates, visitors are not allowed to touch them.

Is this exhibition appropriate for children?

Thirty-four million people, including children, have seen BODY WORLDS around the world.It is important to note that the exhibition includes full-body plastinates with exposed genitals. If you are considering visiting BODY WORLDS with children or a school group, visit our education section to learn more information on getting the most educational value out of your visit.

What ethics have been considered for this exhibition?

Before BODY WORLDS was presented in North America, a distinguished committee of theologians, ethicists, academics and renowned members of the medical community, conducted an independent ethics review.The Ethical Review on the origin of the specimens in BODY WORLDS was carried out by the California Science Center in Los Angeles, it can be downloaded at www.bodyworlds.com

What educational materials are provided?

Teachers will wish to prepare both their students and their adult supervisors carefully for their BODY WORLDS experience. Educator materials are available from our education section and the BODY WORLDS website.

How long can one stay in the exhibition?

You can take your time in the exhibition.We recommend that you take one to two hours to see the exhibition.Dwell times vary depending on the time each visitor takes to examine each specimen and read the accompanying information. Once you have exited the exhibition re-entry is not permitted.Timed tickets are valid only for the determined date and time and will only be valid for visits at the assigned date and time.