UNAMUniversum, Museo de las Ciencias UNAM Universum, Museo de las Ciencias
13 de marzo del 2025
Español English


After decades of research Dr. Gunther von Hagens created this pioneering exhibition, with the primary aim of educating the public about the inner workings of the human body to show the benefits of healthy habits, a balanced diet, an active lifestyle and the harm and damage caused by a poor diet or use of drugs like tobacco and alcohol.

We are convinced that a visit to BODY WORLDS Vital, particularly for children and adolescents, is a unique opportunity for awareness of the effects that bad habits can have on your body. In the different galleries that make up this exhibition, you will find dozens of bodies and organs, donated by people who decided during their lifetimes that their bodies could be used for educational purposes through an extraordinary process called Plastination, an innovative method for specimen preservation, invented by Dr. von Hagens.